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Scratch card campaign tips: 5 things every marketer ought to know about printing scratch cards

As you may have already discovered, printing scratch cards can be a bit more complicated than your everyday marketing challenge.

For starters, you’ll have more to think about in advance in order to be able to confirm costs. This quick list should set you on the right path and help you get up to speed in the fastest possible time. It might also be the fastest way to help you decide that printing scratch cards just isn’t right for you – but if that’s the case at least you can make that decision quickly and move on with your next project.

In business everyone wins with scratch card printing

In business everyone wins with scratch card printing

If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to engage your customers and make the most of your marketing budget, hiring a printer to print scratch cards to promote awareness and involvement with your brand may be an option. Scratch cards are easy to integrate with existing promotions or can be used as a promotion on their own. The instant results of a scratch card have customers and prospects excited about you and your offers before they walk away, expanding your company’s reach and creating sales.

Exhibitions, trade shows and scratch cards – a winning combination

Exhibitions, trade shows and scratch cards – a winning combination

With the spring trade show season approaching, it’s time to start planning how your exhibition stand will attract attention. Your prospects will be navigating a maze of flashy advertising, sales pitches and complimentary chocolates – so what can you offer that’s innovative and intriguing? Printed scratch cards may be the answer. Using a professional printers to print scratch cards for your company’s promotions is a unique way to attract footfalls to your stand and keep prospects excited – even after the show closes.

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