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Black Friday… the Proactive way!

We’re all starting to feel the festive feels here at Proactive Towers, and we want to pass that on to all our clients.

We’ve decided to join in the Black Friday madness, but in a slightly different way.

Our inboxes have all got a bit grabby with the demands to spend more, more, more on STUFF. Stuff that people quite often don’t really need anyway (although my children are pretty convinced they do ACTUALLY need the entire contents of Amazon toys and games category. In a life-or-death type way).

So to counteract that, we’ve decided that for every new print order over £150 placed between now and Friday 24th November at 5pm, we will contribute a meal and ongoing support for someone who needs it through Crisis at Christmas.

Every place reserved gives a homeless person all of this:

So if there’s a project you haven’t got round to booking in, flyers you wanted for an event, Christmas cards you have yet to order, stationery requirements coming up, conference materials that you were going to order at some point soon anyway, now is the time.

CALL US on 01202 315 333 or email

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